Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

"And father and daughter, hug us, and, through tears laughing easily, we will see, as after thunderstorms and darkness clear day comes highly...."But it was not destined to come true these dreams....

"And father and daughter, hug us, and, through tears laughing easily, we will see, as after thunderstorms and darkness clear day comes highly...."from a poem (My daughter Chulpan). But it was not destined to come true these dreams.... On 20 February there was organized a poetry hour on the works of Jalil "Your life rhymed war" for the children of MBDOU "kindergarten №14". Children were given information about the life and work of the poet, his difficult fate and difficult childhood. The children also recited poems Jalil's "Watch", "Brook", "Red Daisy". The event was attended by 40 people.