Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

"The bread of that winter"

Every year on January 27, our country celebrates the Day of the complete Liberation of Leningrad from the Nazi blockade (1944). This is the Day of Military Glory of Russia.
A historical and patriotic hour "Bread of that Winter" was held in the library, dedicated to this memorable date.
The children listened attentively to the story of the tragic events during the Great Patriotic War – the siege of Leningrad. They talked about heroes, adults and children, and about those harsh days. The guys read poetry.
The siege of Leningrad remained not only in photographs, but also in books on the history of the war as a reminder of those terrible days. They distributed "blockade bread" to children.
The event ended with a minute of silence in memory of the Leningraders who did not live to see the Great Victory.