Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

"Reading out of time"

When is the best time to do magic? Of course, on the most magical night in the library. You can use this opportunity only once a year. It was these readers who had the chance to make their first amulets under the guidance of the master of puppet charms Zulfiya Mazitovna: a ten-handed doll. What kind of amulets are there, how and where to place them, to whom and on what occasion it is better to give this treasure, the children and adults who visited our library found out

The children in the library did not have enough time to talk to their heart's content, to test their abilities in needlework, in acting skills. With great pleasure, they appeared on the catwalk of the "Fashion Verdict" and proved their characteristic image based on the original source: the book.