Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

"Spring of Victory"

May 9 — Victory Day in the War over Nazi Germany — is one of the most important, touching and glorious holidays in Russia, the former Soviet republics and a number of European countries.

On May 9, 1945, the Great Patriotic War, which was an integral part of the Second World War of 1939-1945, ended. It began at dawn on June 22, 1941, when fascist Germany, violating the Soviet-German treaties of 1939, attacked the Soviet Union. The war lasted almost four years and became the largest armed conflict in the history of mankind.

 The children listened to the librarian's story about how, in the terrible years of the Great Patriotic War, ordinary schoolchildren who became underground fighters and partisans rose up to fight fascism along with adults.

At the end of the event, preschoolers made a Victory Day card with their own hands.