Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

"To the distant stars"

On April 12, the whole world celebrates Aviation and Cosmonautics Day - a memorable date dedicated to the first human flight into space. The students of Lyceum No. 14 of the 4th "G" class made a fascinating excursion into the history of human exploration of outer space, learned a lot of new and informative things about Konstantin Tsiolkovsky, who invented the rocket and his follower Sergei Korolev, as well as about the first satellite of the Earth, from which the road to space began. With undisguised interest, the students listened to the story about the first "tailed astronauts" - Laika, Squirrel and Strelka. We sincerely empathized with the future astronauts who had to go through both fire and water before flying into space. We learned interesting facts about the device of the spacesuit and the centrifuge. The guys also recalled well-known information about the world's first human flight into outer space, about the first cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin and other space explorers.