Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

"listen to humor"

The electronic map of the city in which the institutions indicated in the play are located helps the participants of the game to remember the heroes of N.V. Gogol's work "The Inspector". What shortcomings did Gogol ridicule? They can be determined by finding things in the store, a hat, cards, a rope, a fur coat, a medical Bix, etc. according to the participants of the quest, a tavern was a great place, from the menu of which the dishes described by Gogol in the work were selected. In the post office with a hidden inscription (drawing on a wax inscription) we found out the storylines and relationships of the characters. At each point of the quest, the children found words denoting the shortcomings of society. From the letters denoting the finish, the word conscience is installed on the computer, which is a cure for vices. The reasoning of the participants led to the conclusion that the chief auditor is in the person himself. It's his conscience.

The book with the text was an assistant throughout the game. Schoolchildren memorize the names of heroes, read quotes aloud, and look for French expressions.