Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

"Taste the humor"

According to the plot of the game, the eighth graders were locked in a room where the AUDITOR should arrive at a certain time. To avoid punishment and sanctions, the reincarnated students must find the keys and leave the room.

On the map of the city, the location of the institutions where the heroes of the play are located was determined. In the clothing store, they found out who owns such things as a hat, cards, rope, fur coat, medical bix, etc. A wonderful place, according to the participants of the quest, was a tavern where dishes described by Gogol in the work were chosen from the menu. Performing tasks, the children delved into the text, clarified the storylines and relationships of the characters. At each point of the quest, the guys found words defining the vices of society. At the finish line, the word conscience was formed from the highlighted letters, which is a cure for vices.

Librarians created the atmosphere of the nineteenth century: appropriate outfits, a set table in a tavern, special colloquial speech, music by P. Tchaikovsky.

But teenagers were also offered a modern version of obtaining a key. This is an electronic card, they found the password to turn on the computer and confirmed their correctness. The reasoning of the participants led to the conclusion that the most important auditor is in the person himself. It's his conscience.

The event helped to examine the literature of the school curriculum from a different angle. Feel the taste of a classic work