Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

my dear mother

On the eve of the wonderful spring holiday on March 8, a master class on making a postcard "My dear man" was held in the library for the children.
Mom is the most important person in our life and our best friend, protector, teacher, to whom we go for advice in difficult times and on whom we can rely always and in everything!
March 8 is a wonderful, bright and long—awaited spring holiday, in which children like to present surprises to their mothers. And the best gift, as you know, is the one that is made with your own hands and from the bottom of your heart!
Under the guidance of the librarian, the participants of the master class made a holiday card made of colored cardboard with their own hands. The guys were able to invest in it not only skill and patience, but also talent, imagination and, of course, love for a loved one. And we got a lot of emotions and a good mood.