Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

"bird market"

The guys learned that ornithology is a science that studies birds. The work of an ornithologist scientist is connected with constant observation. People of this profession study birds in different habitats. These can be natural conditions – forests, meadows, groves where birds live in close proximity to nature, as well as large cities where they are forced to change their natural habits in order to exist in symbiosis with humans and their life products.
The results of the ornithologist's work allow us to learn more about the nature around us, to see how amazing and diverse the fauna of the Earth is.
Librarians also introduced the children to the Red Book of the Republic of Tatarstan, told about birds in need of protection. We talked about how everyone can help our feathered friends in the cold season.
Then the guys answered quiz questions about the birds of our forests, guessed riddles. In all these contests, the guys had to show their erudition, ingenuity and resourcefulness.