Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

9 December at 13 hours in the library was held a literary hour: "the World will not be without me" decade of the disabled

9 December at 13 hours in the library was held a literary hour: "the World will not be without me" decade of the disabled. The event was attended by children of the 3rd grade of the Lyceum №14. The event was held December 2 to 7 g 14 class of Lyceum. Students got acquainted with the books the authors and their biographies (F. Yarullin, Saguirova, M. Loginova), as well as the materials of the book exhibition "Life loves the strong", which represented books of writers with disabilities. The event prompted the participants to look around and think about people who need special understanding and attention in connection with the peculiarities of their health. The guys could take the example of how despite life's difficulties you can find its rightful place in life and not to lower hands.