Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

"Teach your heart to be good"

What unites such works as: "I can jump through puddles" by A.Marshall, "Solar Eclipse" by A.Likhanov, "An airplane named Seryozhka" by V.Krapivin, "The Fate of Soltangarey" by Sh.Enikeev, "Yaraly yazmyshlar" F.Yarullin? Yes. The heroes of these books are people with disabilities. The students of Lyceum No. 14 learned that the story of Sh.Enikeeva and F.Yarullina are autobiographical. The reasoning of the children at the morality lesson "Teach your heart to be kind" was very thoughtful and mature enough. A social video, a loud reading of V.Kataev's fairy tale "Tsvetik-Semitsvetik" impressed the children and motivated them to do good deeds.