Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

"Reading books is not boring to know"

An educational hour "Reading books – not knowing boredom" was held in the library for younger schoolchildren.
The librarian invited young readers to make an exciting journey into the world of books. The guys talked about the value of books for every person, about caring for them. Since man learned to write, he has entrusted all his wisdom to books. On clay tablets, papyrus scrolls and parchment, people sought to preserve their knowledge, experience, and thoughts for posterity. Since time immemorial, there have also been storerooms of wisdom – libraries.
The children actively guessed fairy tales and fairy-tale characters, participating in contests: "Find out the work by three words", "Continue the line and name the author". The children successfully coped with the tasks and demonstrated erudition and resourcefulness.