Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

"Drink juices, children!" For Juice Day in Russia

In each country, the International Juice Day takes place at different times of the year. The choice of season depends on the traditions and customs of the country. In Russia, it is the third Saturday of September. It's hard to find a person who doesn't like juices. What kind of feelings do we experience when drinking juice? As a rule, this is pleasure, satisfaction. Juice is the first thing we get in addition to breast milk in early childhood.

During the lesson, the children learned which of the scientists was the first to isolate vitamins and determine their high role in nutrition. The pupils were shown a bright, colorful presentation about how vitamins are involved in the development, protection and strengthening of the body. The games "I choose ..." and "Make a menu for the day" were held with the children, in which the children took an active part, choosing and correctly determining vitamins from fruits, vegetables, berries, and then making up the right diet for the day (breakfast, lunch and dinner). At the end of the event, the pupils concluded that the food should be healthy, varied, enriched with vitamins.