Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

"I'm discovering the world of nature with a book"

September 11 marked the 140th anniversary of the birth of the Russian and Soviet writer, teacher, traveler and researcher, author of popular adventure stories and novellas, works about animals Boris Stepanovich Zhitkov.

Today we introduced the guys to interesting facts from the biography of the writer. Young readers learned that the author always writes with a smile and humor, with love for animals, noticing all their funny habits and hooliganism. That is why Boris Zhitkov's animal stories are read not only by children, but also by adults. The children also got acquainted with the works "How I caught little Men", "The Brave Duckling", "The Hunter and the Dogs". And then they easily answered all the questions of the literary quiz. At the end of the event, many of the children took the fascinating stories of the writer to read.