Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

"The Smiling sun"

April 1st "Day of Laughter" is an international holiday celebrated all over the world. On this day, it is customary to play relatives, friends and just acquaintances, or make fun of them.
On this day, jokes, laughter are heard all around and smiles bloom on everyone's faces. After all, a kind, cheerful laugh is a wonderful vitamin and the most powerful, priceless elixir of life.
Today #Libraria37 on the project "It's good that there are holidays" held a master class on making a topper "Smiling Sun", dedicated to the Day of Humor and Laughter. This craft will not only be an excellent simulator for the development of creative abilities, but will also instill a love of reading. Also, the guys remembered the writers who wrote funny stories: V.Dragunsky "Exactly 25 kilos", V.Golyavkin "Language", "How I sat under the desk", etc.
The children plunged into the world of creativity, where the main assessment was the pleasure they received from the created works.