Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

«Neighbors on zavalinka»

The correctness of the proverb "A close neighbor is better than a distant relative" was confirmed by a meeting on zavalinka. The old-timers of the city told about the culture of the Kryashens who inhabited the villages where Nizhnekamsk grew up. The children learned about such craft as weaving. We tried to weave ourselves, we saw a dress made of self-woven fabric. Deputy Chairman of the society Kryashen E.Gilmutdinova spoke in great detail about the national women's costume and hats. Schoolchildren with great pleasure tried on suryak, ak kalpak, kylakcha, slap.

Oral histories impressed not only third-graders with their cognition, but also older guests. The scientific search for the history of the villages of Akhtuba and Chabya by schoolchildren of secondary school No. 31 surprised with its thoroughness and depth. This video prompted the guys to explore their family roots.

"Like neighbors, such is the conversation," folk wisdom asserts. Indeed, the conversation was very lively, interesting, emotionally intense. Thanks to the support