Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

"Musa Jalil is in our hearts"

What - it doesn 't matter - are you from the face, It would be a bright essence. Be a man to the end. Be with a high heart! (M.Jalil) Today, an hour of poetry "Musa Jalil in our hearts" was organized for the birthday of the poet – hero. Young readers from kindergarten No. 16 listened to a story about interesting facts from the poet's life, his difficult childhood and youth years, literary activity. The pre-school children also learned about the feat of Musa Jalil and about the autobiographical book of poems "Moabit Notebook" that immortalized his name. Every child could express their love for the poet through their performance. The event featured poems "Spring", "Red Daisy", "My Dog", "Daughter's Lullaby" and others.