Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

"Secret creativity" (R. Valeev - 75 years old)

The oral magazine "Secret Creativity", dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the writer and poet Razil Valeev, we conducted with students of the 7th "b" class of Lyceum No. 14. During the event, they told about the first poems of the writer, written during his school years, about his youth. Since studying at the Literary Institute and to this day - continues to work in the genres of poetry, prose, drama.
"I consider each of my actions to be creative," recalls R. Valeev, A man who has put poetic fire into his soul from birth, cannot live otherwise, he remains a poet for life. In his every movement, in every act, the poet expresses spirit, passion and aspiration in his poems. The event was attended by 17 students.