Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

"In Search of the Country of Happiness"

The people of the Happy Country lived amicably, cheerfully, helping each other. But this did not suit the neighboring kingdom, which was ruled by the King of the Dark Forces. His people were famous for their rudeness, cowardice, envy. Once the King of the Dark Forces deceived the gullible inhabitants of the Land of Happy People and plunged their minds into darkness. And now the darkness has swallowed up the once Happy People. And they began to serve the King of Darkness, forgetting about the joy of communication, kindness, sympathy, locked in their evil thoughts. Two teams "Friends" and "Happy Children" from lyceum №14 were able to get rid of the enchantments of the King of Dark Forces.

Helping each other together, they overcame narrow gorges, found the positive qualities of each team member, and revealed their own psychological profile. We remembered the goodies from the books we had read that we would like to be like.

             Having successfully passed through trials and obstacles, the guys gathered the word "solidarity" - an important quality of any team and came to the Land of Happy People. They realized that the Land of Happiness is in ourselves. Each person himself makes a choice in favor of good or dark forces.

            The teacher-psychologist at the Eidos Psychological Center, V.Yu. Izmailova, helped the schoolchildren deal with psychological issues.

The event was highly appreciated by teachers, parents and game participants. The book of comments and suggestions was replenished with sincere words of gratitude.

The carousel relay "In Search of the Land of Happiness" was held within the framework of the Presidential Grant of the "Socially Active" project