Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

"The great power of soldiers' hearts"

The biblioprival "Iseme kaldy danga kumelep/ The great power of soldiers' hearts" was arranged in the library by the pupils of the kindergarten "Sandugach". At the campfire on vacation, they started talking about famous and unknown soldiers, talked about heroism and courage. The children listened with great attention to the poems of M. Jalil and E. Blaginina. Little hearts tremulously responded to the events of the cartoon based on the story of A.Gaidar "A tale about a military secret, a boy-Kibalchisha and his firm word."
35 preschoolers have learned the meanings of words such as: halt, bowler hat, flask, overcoat, tunic, cap.
Special gratitude to the library staff was expressed by parents and educators of groups No. 3 and No. 5 of MBDOU "Kindergarten of general development type No. 27".