Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

"We cannot forget"

From the very beginning of the event, the question was posed to preschoolers: what is courage, courage, heroism? The guys revealed this topic in particular details, gave examples from literary works – these are Russian heroes, female pilots. They remembered Valentina Tereshkova and Musa Jalil. The librarian skillfully directed an active conversation in the right direction, told about I. Bolodurin, whose name is one of the Nizhnekamsk streets. She demonstrated books and objects from the accompanying exhibition-installation, read poems by E. Blaginina and A.Barto. As a result, it was found out that children also went out to fight along with adults in difficult times. With special attention, the kids and their leaders watched a cartoon about a brave Kibalchish.

42 people concluded that it is necessary to train to be healthy and strong, to develop courage to protect the weak, to be honest and kind.