Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

"Key to the fairyland" according to the "Ukiyat - BELEM" project

A fairy tale is an epic genre of folk art, a prosaic oral story about fictional events. The peculiarity of the tale is that its plot is based on fiction, in contrast to such genres of folklore as epics, myths, legends.
Today our library visited kindergarten # 14 and held an event "Әkiyatlәr ilenә achkych" ("Key to a fairyland"). Children learned what a fairy tale is and what forms of fairy tales are. And they also remembered the fairy tales they know. Then the librarian read the children a Tatar folk tale "Өch kyz" ("Three daughters"), where they learned many new Tatar words, which was accompanied with a translation. For example, kitaphanәche is a librarian, tien is a protein, baka is a frog, үrmәkүch is a spider, lәgәn is a basin. At the end of the event, the cartoon "Three daughters" ("Өch kyz") was shown in order to consolidate knowledge.