Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

"News of the printing yard"

An unusual lesson was held in the library for students of the 4th grade of Lyceum No. 14. The children found themselves in the book kingdom, where magical wonders were waiting for them. The postman Pechkin suddenly appeared and brought, in addition to the periodicals, a note about the boy. We solved tasks from the postman Pechkin. Young readers listened with great interest and answered the questions "What is a periodical?" " What is the difference between a newspaper and a magazine?" " What are the headings?". The children were happy to immerse themselves in the fabulous atmosphere of the event.
During the library lesson, they got acquainted with the book fund: industry, art and local history literature. After the event, the students were once again convinced that the best friend is a book. The number of participants is 31 people