Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

"I will save my native language"

Motivator is an image that inspires something, encourages action or changes, inspires you to work on yourself, makes you think about exciting problems. Our event motivated children to communicate in the language of their ancestors, to learn the traditions of the family. The children realized that if they did not practice communication in the family in their native language, the language would disappear completely.

The girls recited poems in Tatar and Russian, told about their grandparents and their sayings. Librarians read books in the Chuvash and Mari languages to hear the sound of speech. The children were impressed by the collection of various skullcaps, a hundred-year-old dress made of self-woven fabric on the presenter. Cheerful dances to folk Udmurt songs raised the spirits of all those present.

The event was held in two languages, which was especially liked by the leaders of the school camp "Restless".