Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

"Bibliokanikuli, or summer with a book"

Nathan's good-natured brownie likes to meet schoolchildren in the library. The children from the school camp of secondary school No. 37 were told about the organization of library work, about the structure of the institution, about books and magazines. The children looked curiously at the largest books, the heaviest, the smallest, and the oldest editions. Book exhibitions attracted everyone's attention. They added library terminology to their vocabulary.

But Nathanya left the most fun for last. He found out what books the tourists read and organized games: "Collect Koshchei", "Professions of friends of Dunno", "Make a proverb". The guys in the teams helped each other, supported each other in the individual championship.

The boys and girls spent their time in the library in a fun, informative and unusual way.