Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

"Chest of Memory" (for the Year of Native Languages and National Unity)

What does the native language mean for a person?
The native language is the cradle of generations.
The native language is the link between the past and the future. We've been speaking it since we were kids. Even as a child, our native language helps us learn about the world. From early childhood, we listened to fairy tales, stories, legends of our grandmothers, in which the beauty of our native land is vividly recreated. Grandmothers sang us songs, taught us life with their proverbs, sayings, explained signs that carry not only cognitive, but also aesthetic potential.
Language is the character of a people, its memory, history, and spiritual power. It reflects the customs, traditions, life of the people, intelligence, experience and beauty.
In this regard, a literary and musical evening "Hater Sandygy / Chest of Memory" was held in kindergarten No. 47, dedicated to the Year of Native Languages and National Unity. We showed respect for the past of the Tatar, Russian, Kryashen, and Chuvash peoples through songs, dances, and oral folk art.