Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

"Library. The past. Today." on the 45th anniversary of the Central Library System

In connection with the 55th anniversary of the native city and the 45th anniversary of the Centralized Library System, our library held a literary meeting " Library. The past. Today."
"The library was opened on March 27, 1982. School No. 17 had a small classroom located on the first floor. About 12 chairs, several tables, about a thousand books, a bunch of non-removable iron shelves. Upon arrival at work, we collected and placed on the shelves about six thousand books, " recalls the first head Gulsina Kasimovna Khadeeva.
January 4, 1984 in the new library building on the street. The first student was registered at 32 Vokzalnaya Street, and they started working with schools No. 14 and No. 19.
The reading room was filled with book lovers and was accompanied by songs and poems. Participants traveled through the years and focused on individual memories.
The current state of the library pleases, new methods of work, but the love for the book is not lost. All participants of the event remained in their opinion.