Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

"Bird Market"

Birds are everywhere-above us, around us, far away, near. You can meet them in the forest, in the field, on the river, and in the mountains. There are a lot of birds in nature. Only in Russia there are more than 760 species of them. To see all the birds, a lifetime is not enough. But those who live in the woods or in the park near the house need to know. And today, as part of the weekend club, the children had a great opportunity to learn more about many interesting and amazing things from the life of birds: about the smallest and largest birds, about migratory and wintering, about flightless and waterfowl, as well as about the birds of our region.
After a fascinating conversation, the children were happy to draw their favorite birds, then together they went to the yard to leave the treats in our "library" feeder.