Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

"Gymnastics of the senses"

Every minute, our life presents situations in which we explicitly or discreetly express different emotions, experience different feelings. The academicians of the club "We Read and Create" tried to capture these subtle matters and pass them on to each other. Opening up in a fabulous and playful way, the kids found out: if you are happy and cheerful, it is very difficult to portray a sad person.

The game "Going to the Zoo", which was loved by the regular participants of the Academy of Talents, was complicated today by finding out the emotions of the depicted animal. And the" hungry "zoo visitors" cooked " a delicious milk porridge. After a good "lunch", the children went to travel through fairy tales. Each story was filled with both joy (a turnip was pulled) and bitter tears (an egg fell and broke). Depicting the heroes of the fairy tale "Kolobok", the children tried to portray different moods of animals.

Communication of children of different ages develops care and attention, mutual assistance and respect. Children learn etiquette, listen to the interlocutor, wait patiently for their speech, etc.

The gratitude of parents and children is the result of the work of the weekend club.

In this event, explanatory dictionaries were used to find out the meaning of the word "feelings", Russian folk tales "Kolobok", "Turnip", "Chicken ryaba". Readers have chosen interesting books for home reading.