Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

"Courage and Creativity"

   importance of individual personalities is difficult to overestimate. An example of courage for connoisseurs of poetry is the hero poet Musa Jalil. Librarians have a special respect for the work of Jalil in their events. Every year, together with preschool institutions, literary matinees, patriotic hours, and poetic minutes are organized. This time we held a poetry march with kindergarten No. 14.

The children were told briefly about the poet, showed photos of his parents, wife and daughter. The pre-school children showed interest in the slides telling about the capture of Musa, about the Moabite leaves with poems.

The poems were performed by children and adults. With pleasure, the kids staged the poem "Red Daisy". For this category of users, we always select funny children's poems.

The librarians presented the active participants with daisies made in advance at the master class. This encouraged the other children to learn poetry and answer questions, and to be more active at events.