Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

"The siege of bread"

January 27 is a special date in the history of our country. On January 27, 1944, the siege of Leningrad was broken, which lasted 900 long days and nights. In our library, an archive lesson "Blockade bread" was organized for students of the 4th grade of MBOU SOSH No. 8. The children were told about the hardships that befell the inhabitants of the besieged closed city of Leningrad: about hunger and cold, about children and women who worked on a par with men in factories, about the defense and defense of Leningrad by Soviet soldiers. Also, the book exhibition "Silhouettes of the Blockade"was presented to the attention of young readers. The students got acquainted with the books from which they learned about the heroism and perseverance of the inhabitants of Leningrad, about the construction of the saving "road of life" through Lake Ladoga. The video film "The Siege of Leningrad through the eyes of children" was presented to the attention of young readers, clearly showing the hard life of Leningrad residents in those difficult times for the whole country. The children were greatly impressed by the story about the norm of bread of the blockaders, about.