Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

" Books for the mind and heart»

 Classes in the club "Imagination" are not always spectacular, but always very exciting. Expressive reading of stories by roles is popular with all kids. And if these are stories of classics of children's literature, then everyone present gets pleasure from the text.

Students of secondary school No. 8 got acquainted with the stories of outstanding Soviet writers N. M. Artyukhova and N. N. Nosov. the read-out stories found a lively response in the children. They actively commented on the situation from the story "Coward", convincingly supported the actions of the heroes of the stories "Cucumbers"and " Stone". We listened attentively to the reading of other works.
With great pleasure, the children played "Literary Daisy", where it is necessary to determine which work is written by these authors.
Such classes help first-graders learn to read, motivate home reading, and raise self-esteem.