Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

"A magical and wonderful world"

We are rushing through life at an extraordinary speed. But this does not prevent you from plunging into a magical and wonderful world: the world of books. Our children learn from books that there is good, mutual help, and friendship. Children of the school camp remembered animal tales, Russian folk tales, stories by V. Dragunsky and N. Nosov, where the characters help each other. As an example of true friendship, we suggested reading and discussing V. Kataev's fairy tale "Tsvetik-Semitsvetik". Students read the text aloud, looked at the illustrations of different artists, and uttered magic words in chorus made a cherished wish. Folk wisdom about responsiveness, kindness, expressed in Proverbs, sounded from the lips of everyone present. The desire of students to take books for home reading is the result of our Express review.