Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

«Aibolit rushes to the rescue»

Today, the library organized an Oral magazine "Aibolit rushes to the rescue", which recommended preschoolers to read wonderful instructive fairy tales. One of them: "Aibolit" by K. Chukovsky helped The children remember the rules of the road. We did not forget about the strengthening physical exercises that the doctor recommended. To the doctor with their ailments had joined the Mongrel and the bear, but mice and squirrels, and kittens. Children were happy to depict animals, which helps to develop motor activity, promotes creative activity. We devoted a special page of the Oral magazine to children's periodicals. With undisguised curiosity, the kids looked very carefully at the proposed periodicals. The desire of children to come back to the library is the motivation of our activities.