Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

"Book trail" by book of the year 2019

Today, our library, after a long separation due to the pandemic, has visited our regular readers from kindergarten No. 33 in compliance with all safety standards.
Children were introduced to the books published in 2019, "Book of the year-El kitaba".
Books in the Tatar language were presented such as:
R. Salah "Chachak yaratkan Pesi" ("Cat loves flowers");
R. Minnulin "Malay-shalaylar" ("Boys");
F. Shafigullin "akbay Belan Karabay";
L. Shaeh "Galineen pesie" ("There is a kitten in Gali"), etc.
Also was conducted a loud reading of fairy tales, Alicia A. "Bikkurim been Besbatyr".