Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

«Language-the soul of the people»

On the day of the native language 21.02.2020, native speakers of Armenian and Tatar, Tajik and Russian languages gathered in the library. Children who attend the teen clubs "Burevestnik", "rainbow", "Orbit", " Sky " presented the culture of Ukraine and Azerbaijan at the festival. The hall was filled with colorful sounds of kurai and national dances. With delight, all present listened to the murmur of unfamiliar speech. They eagerly solved folk riddles, continued Proverbs, and sang songs in different languages.

Librarians with children from the Studio "Imagination" helped guests imagine a magical journey through the former republics of the Soviet Union. Bright impressions were left after a rich program for both children and adults present, who captured them in the book of reviews