Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

"Travel through the pages of your favorite book»

Today, our library hospitably opened its doors to students of the 3rd" D "class of Lyceum No. 14 and conducted a video review of "Travel through the pages of your favorite book". Young readers were introduced to the life and work of A. S. green, trying to arouse interest in the works of the "solar knight of dreams". The children were presented with a colorful book trailer based on the story-extravaganza "Scarlet sails". students learned about the fate of the young Assol and the brave captain Arthur gray, realizing one simple truth – miracles are created with their own hands. "Scarlet sails" is a beautiful fairy tale that everyone, if they want very much, can have their most cherished dream come true. After getting acquainted with the work of Alexander green and reviewing the reference list of literature, many students took books home. The event was attended by 25 people.