Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

"On the long way to knowledge" (for the 195th anniversary of the birth of Kayum Nasyri; for the 100th anniversary of the birth of Naki Isanbet)

In connection with the 100th anniversary of TASR and the anniversaries of writers Kayum Nasyri and Naki Isanbet, an oral journal was held at school # 33.

Page 1: discussion, introduction to the life and work of writers.
Page 2: Kayum Nasyri, Naki Isanbet and Tatar folklore. It was told about their teaching activities.
Page 3: reading the story of Kayum Nasyri "Abugalisina"; stopped at the works of folk oral art of Naki Isanbet: riddles, Proverbs, sayings.
The oral journal was conducted using a presentation.
The activity of our writers is an example of selfless service of the Tatar people. The books were brought to readers that they are the richest asset of modern national life.