Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

«This song is my last»


As part of the events dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the birth of the poet, Hero of the Soviet Union Musa Jalil, the city children's library-branch # 37 held poetry hours in the reading room, actions on the streets of the city, etc. in this row, and a reading workshop "This song is my last", which was organized in school #8 for students of 2 and 4 "B" classes on February 12.

 The librarian's conversation with the student about the difficult biography of the poet and his work was accompanied by an electronic presentation. The children saw the portrait of the poet-hero on the screen and listened to his description in a letter from the Belgian anti-fascist Andre Timmermans. The children showed great interest in the awards and the execution episode. Librarians presented the poems of A. Alish, who was executed 15 minutes before M. Jalil.

Throughout the event, lines from poems were played. At the end of the event, the second-graders evaluated the skill with which the students of "Imagination" read the poems of the Tatar poet. They listened to the performances with bated breath and applauded each performer.