Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

"A letter from my grandfather"

On February 12, in kindergarten # 90 in 1group, librarians of branch # 37 held an hour of patriotism "Letter from my grandfather" as part of the "100 days to Victory"campaign. They introduced the children to the Victory day holiday, the lives of people in the war years, and monuments to the defenders of the Fatherland. They told about the inhabitants of the rear, children of the wartime, the sons of the regiment, considered paintings and illustrations. Each child got acquainted with attributes: a bowler hat, a flask, a St. George ribbon, a flag, and a letter. Together with the children, they paid a standing tribute to the fallen soldiers with a minute of silence. At the end of the event, children viewed books about the second world war with interest. Six copies of books from the exhibition were issued for loud reading.