Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

"We must remember»

In order to deepen knowledge about the history of the great Patriotic war and to form moral qualities such as self-sacrifice, heroism, and patriotism, the video "battle of Stalingrad" was shown to young readers. 200 days and two million lives " about the main stages of the battle of Stalingrad. After carefully viewing the video, it turned out that the audience was particularly interested in stories about Pavlov's house, where a group of Soviet troops heroically held the defense for 58 days, and how Soviet soldiers resisted for every street in the city.

The book collapse "Great battles and victories" presented books that tell about the very events that took place in the dilapidated Stalingrad in 1942-1943. The students listened very carefully to the expressively read chapters from the book of Alekseev S. P. "there is a people's war". After getting acquainted with the samples of front-line letters, the guys decided to write to their great-grandparents. After reading them, third-graders learned to add the cherished triangles. These messages and such books as:" the ring of Fire " by Vnukov N.," Your defenders "by Kassil L., "Hot casings" by Alekseev O., etc. they took it home for the whole family to read.