Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

"I haven't seen the war, but I know...»

A lesson of courage dedicated to the 75th anniversary of the second world war was held for pupils of kindergarten No. 27. Children were told about the Patriotic war and why the war was called "Patriotic". What do the black and orange stripes on the St. George ribbon mean? This is smoke and fire. With undisguised surprise, they got acquainted with the soldier's flask and pot.

With great interest, we considered and read the front-line letter, which was written on 09.05.1945 from Bulgaria by our countryman. Both events were held in compliance with the law on bilingualism. Children from the senior and preparatory groups asked questions on the topic and commented on various points themselves, also in two languages.

The younger generation has not seen the war, but knows a lot about it.