Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

"Invincible bridgehead"

"And the hour struck. The first blow was struck,-

The villain backs away from Stalingrad.

And the world gasped when it learned what loyalty meant,

What does the rage of believing people mean?"... (O. Bergolts)

The event began with a brief historical excursion into the history of the battle of Stalingrad. With the help of an electronic presentation, students got acquainted in detail with the historical facts of the war years, once again "turned over" the legendary pages of history, learned about Stalingrad and its strategic importance, that the battle of Stalingrad is one of the largest battles of the second world war, which lasted 200 days, about the house of Sergeant Ya. f. Pavlov, which is known not only in our country, but also abroad.

During the event, according to the proposed order bars (ribbons), the children found orders on the poster "orders and medals of the USSR".

The video "battle of Stalingrad" was shown to young readers. 200 days and two million lives " about the main stages of the battle of Stalingrad. Of particular interest to those present were stories about Pavlov's house, where a group of Soviet troops heroically defended for 58 days.

Also in the library was designed thematic book exhibition "the Great battle – the great war", which presents books that tell about the very events that took place in the dilapidated Stalingrad in 1942-1943, telling about this heroic event, as well as books that reveal historical facts, telling the fate of people and the whole country in the harsh war years.