Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

"Tatar folk pearls "(for the 100th anniversary of Jaudat Faizi)

An outstanding composer, jaudat Faizi, made a huge contribution to the development of Tatar musical art, creating three musical comedies. His musical Comedy "Palmahim" play many venues in the country. He also wrote music in the dramas "Akcharlak", "Idel", an Opera based on the story of G. kutuya "Unsent letters".
What was the reason that Faizi entered the world of music? His communication With S. Saidashev and A. Klyucharev had a great influence. Finally, he came to the conclusion that being a composer is particularly close to him.

Students of the 4th grade of MBOU "SOSH No. 33" had a literary and musical hour: "Tatar folk pearls".
Thanks to the presentation, the children got acquainted with the talented composer D. Faizi, with his life path and creativity.
Watched an excerpt from the libretto of "Bashmaki". To the tune of the composer, they read Taktash's poem "Urman kyzy".