Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

"Valour of the Fatherland»

Our experience in organizing book auctions shows the effectiveness of this non-traditional form in order to develop reading skills. This requires additional training for children. This is the most important part of book auctions. The children from school #8 chose books for extra-curricular reading on the military theme in advance. On the day of the auction, under the guidance of the librarian, students advertised the books they had read to their classmates. Third-graders were not immediately interested in one or another publication: they asked questions about the content, the design of the book, and were interested in the font and quotes. The result of the ad was clearly indicated by the number of people who wanted to read the story. Children who chose poetry recited poems by heart.
Children with great pleasure decided to continue participating in this auction in the future and re-read as many books on different topics as possible.