Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

"On an unknown path"

For The 100th anniversary of N. I. Sladkov, a virtual zoo "On an unknown path" was held in our library with younger students from school No. 8, 3 "B"class. The new technology allows you to make virtual trips and creates the effect of direct presence. A virtual tour of the zoo helped open up a unique exotic animal world to the library's visitors. The virtual tour made it possible to visit inside or above the enclosures, which allowed the viewer to see the world through the eyes of animals, to visit them. This absentee trip to the zoo is a great way to have fun and spend time with benefits.
During the conversation, the children heard a story about the life of animals, their unusual habits, habitat, features of existence in the animal world, and how it is often difficult for animals to coexist with humans. The children reflected on why it is necessary to help and take care of" our smaller brothers".
Then the younger students got acquainted with the writer N. I. Sladkov, the author of wonderful works, who devoted all his work to nature. Sladkov not only admired her, but also worried about her fate. The children got acquainted with an exhibition of books about nature and animals, as well as a selection of magazines on the topic.
Children participated in various competitions, solved riddles, and were helped by the funny animal magazine "Toska". At the end of the event, we watched an instructive cartoon By N. I. Sladkov "the Boy and the frog".