Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

"Leningrad Saga"

It's good to Wake up at dawn,

It's good to have dreams at night,

How good it is that the planet is spinning,

How good it is in the world without war!

January 27 is a special date in the history of our country. 76 years ago, on January 27, 1944, the siege of Leningrad was broken, which lasted 872 days.

In our library there was a commented reading of "Leningrad Saga" for students of Lyceum No. 14 3 " D " class. The meeting began with viewing the presentation " the Blockade of Leningrad in letters, documents, diaries...". The children learned about the hardships that befell the residents of the besieged closed city of Leningrad: about hunger and cold, about children and women who worked on a par with men in factories, about the protection and defense of Leningrad by Soviet soldiers, about the saving "road of life" through lake Ladoga.

The event was accompanied by a screening of the documentary film "Children of the besieged Leningrad" about the memories of the participants of the blockade, as well as a thematic book exhibition "unquenchable fire of memory"was presented to the students. The children were greatly impressed by the librarian's story about the hero city, who recently visited the wonderful St. Petersburg on a tour.