Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

"A surprising number"

Children from childhood laid the foundations of interaction with nature. Therefore, we with the children, in the Park of reading and recreation named after G. Tukai, held an eco-trip "Amazing nearby". It was attended by students from the 3rd " d " class of Lyceum No. 14. They were divided into two teams: "leaf fall" and "autumn", each came up with its own motto. The eco-trip included a trip to the stations: "Trees-decoration of the Earth", "Forest and fauna", "World of forest plants", "plants-symbols", "forest secrets", "Forest and aesthetics".
During the event, the children read poems by A. T. Tvardovsky "Forest in autumn" (1933), called the authors of quotations from books about the forest, guessed riddles, remembered Proverbs about nature. Also, each team was offered a game "Collect the proverb". And through mobile game children remembered N. A. Nekrasov's story "the Grandfather Mazay and hares", and then and visited as hares and their rescuers.
Children with interest answered questions and demonstrated their knowledge on this topic, as well as learned a lot and once again convinced that they should protect the wealth and beauty of forests, take care of animals and help them. The winners and all participants of the game were awarded prizes.