Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37


In connection with the 100th anniversary of the birth of the Tatar book publishing house and the 70th anniversary of the birth of the poet Rashit Bashar, a literary hour was held for students of the 4th grade of the 33rd school.
Children got acquainted with the biography, learned that the first literary works of the young author began to be printed in the late 60s. He repeatedly became the winner of children's literary competitions. R. Bashar also writes stories for children "Yashel train" ("Green train"), "Milash" ("Rowan"), "ber oydaide keshe" ("Seven people in one house"), etc., which were released in separate collections, as well as published in a special issue of the magazine "Maydan" dedicated to his work. In 2000, for the book "Sandugachly Bishkek" ("Nightingale at the cradle") R. Bashar was awarded the literary prize of the Union of writers of Tatarstan named after A. Alish.