Городская детская библиотека - филиал № 37

"Your health calendar"

Human health, a healthy lifestyle are issues that concern not only employees of kindergartens, schools, but also library professionals. In this regard, today at school number 33, in the 1st "E" class was held "Your health calendar".
The children were offered to make a fascinating journey to the country of Health, where they visited the stations: "city of hygiene", "Vitamin", "Mode of the day", "Sports", "Bad habits". During the event, the children participated in the contest "Health can not be bought - his mind gives"; listened to a poem about health; was held "Fizminutka"; guessed riddles, remembered Proverbs about health, collected from the petals of the "Flower of health". And also with pleasure remembered the books read earlier by K. Chukovsky "Aybolit", "fedorino grief", "Moidodyr" and read aloud significant lines from the books offered at the exhibition. For us librarians it was nice when children were very actively involved in the discussion of these stories "Why did the dishes run away?", "Why are you sick tummies?"etc.
I would like to believe that we have informed children why they need health and how to protect it!